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Voice Of Britain Political Party

Welcome and thankyou for visiting

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Our Mission

The Voice Of Britain Political Party are, when elected, committed to bringing Britain back to its former glory by introducing strict policies and giving the people of Britain its voice back.

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Welcome to our website,

We, The Voice Of Britain Party, are a new electoral candidate in the British parliamentary elections. The VOB have strict policies in the areas of Immigration, Terrorism, the justice system and many more key areas, for incite into our policies visit the Policies webpage. The VOB are committed to taking Britain from the mess it is in today, and retuning to its former glory and also taking it further into the world both economically and technologically. The current Labour government has lost touch with its people and acts on what it believes to be the will of the people, and the VOB feel that this is wrong and when elected we will aim to bring the voice of the people back with referendums to ensure that the party is truly doing what its people want. We will aim to give the people of Britain their voice back in the future of your country. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, it would be out pleasure to answer them

Yours sincerely

Nicholas Brown

copyright© 2006 Voice Of Britain Political Party                                         Webmaster: [email protected]